Sunday, March 9, 2008

je suis desole

je suis desole=i am sorry

that i have not updated in so computer is no longer "reading" the internet hookup in my it is difficult for me to get pictures from my computer to another persons computer with for the moment this short message and a plea

if anyone knows anything about macs and internet PLEASE assist in anyway you can...

for the mean time everyone else can join with me in praying for my computer to begin accepting internet again. ;)

you are all loved

carol <><

p.s. france is GREAT hahaha in a week and a half we finish our stay in REIMS wow so fast! AND we are going to italy for a week to hang out with the harding program kids there!!!

THEN after a week in italy we have EIGHT COUNT THEM EIGHT free travel days!

tabitha, sally, allsion and myself are going to naples, venice, rome, chinqua terra (sp?) and THEN to the french riveria!!! including nice, cannes and monanco!!! TOO EXCITED and we might get to go to marseilles! hopefully

THEN after freetravel it is to PARIS for about three and a half weeks....then dudes we are DONE with the semester and it's onto two weeks free travel with tab, al and sally THEN A WHOLE WEEK WITH MY MOMMA!!!! yesss

wow it has gone by VERY i am for the moment trying to enjoy it and just soak in this awesome awesome awesome place
