Thursday, January 31, 2008

the FLAT

we've ARRIVED in reims! after some crazy crazy flight stuff

we were supposed to leave the 29th BUT our flight to detroit was cancelled SO we MISSED our connection to Paris....SO: tabitha, allison, andi and marissa all came over to my house to spend the night so we could just hang out and then wake up in the morning to go to the airport....for basically the same flight plan.....520 to detroit then to was AWESOME but CRAZY

so NOW after an hour and a half car ride (which i slept through) we arrived in REIMS!!!! it's a really small like town...haven't really seen much of it BUT hopefully we will in the next few days!!!!

i took a few (not very good) pictures of me and SALLY'S (my new roomie) FLAT!!!! it's so cute!!!! we make our own meals and we went shopping today with the other girls and it was so fun! and weird!

so here are some pictures ENJOY

our little kitchen!!!

our little tv....watching FRIENDS of course....who KNEW they had friends in france.......

or that sally brought season one.....

well well the reflection is a little bad BUT this is outside our little window looking out onto this street!!! AND across from tabitha and allison's flat there is a little dance studio so you can see the cute little girls learning ballet!!!!

alrighty......WELL i was plugged into the wall so i couldn't take my computer into our room to take a picture....BUT SOON

hope you enjoyed!

love love and more love

Sunday, January 27, 2008

almost here...

it is SO VERY CLOSE to our departure...i am freaking out a bit, but so are my parents so it's ok

it is just beginning to hit me how far away i'm going and for how long i'll be gone; it is just scary and a new experience and so much can happen...but then again that is the awesome part; God is going to grow me so much and teach all of our group so many things. I am ready to learn and absorb what God has for me, but i'm still a big scared...haha don't like flying too much and hey who likes change? hahaha

but it is going to be amazing and i won't forget anything...hopefully and it's going to be an adventure of a lifetime.

about a day to go.....let's start the count down.

Monday, January 7, 2008

coming soon

the time is almost here for the france adventure to begin

are you ready?

oh i am
