hahaha it isn't as different as i thought it would be...but then it is TOTALLY different from my life in searcy/arkansas.
you aren't as ready to get up and go--go eat go play go to the movies because everything is in a different language...not that i do not understand but i am not confident in my ability to respond hahaha SO i am hesitant to actually go into places...esp. restaurants.
meals are interesting...we cook our own meals WHICH is awesome but we more just kinda snack and then during dinner have like pasta hahaha
perhaps we've discovered a new diet plan---study abroad.....or we will get better at cooking and eating more healithy....hahaha
classes are interessant....we ride the bus to this international students facility like 5-8 minutes bus ride (not long at all) and we have classes in this little room. three of my classes are in a row...so i sit in the same seat for three hours in a row...hahaha but hey you push on!
the hardest class is biology...which i don't even have a real teacher for!!! we do it on a cd, that has slides and vocal explanations....THE LESSONS ARE LIKE AN HOUR PLUS LONG!!!! then you have to take an online quiz! it is just crazy.
and we have these extra supplimental materials that we have to read....but when.....we have NO IDEA....hopefully it will change and we will be told when to read them
hahaha anywhoo i think it's high time for some PICTURES SO we went and explored some of reims today after church (which was at 2 o'clock because long story short john, our only boy, had trouble breathing last night and went to the emergency room so we moved church back...he's fine now!!! just a fun experience in a french hospital)
AND originally we were going to go all together after our group church to MASS AT THE CATHDRAL....so that was out....BUT they were like you can go only if you want to....so me and 5 other girls went! IT WAS AMAZING!!!! so cool ok...
here are a few pictures of that exploration ENJOY

we bought crepes YES you have to THIS IS FRANCE...mine had nutella....a french staple!!! hahaah it was WONDERFUL...messy but awesome

there is this amazing two story carousel in the middle of town and we walked over to take some pictures (crazy americans always taking pictures) and this nice french man asked if we'd like him to take it....(SEE FRENCH PEOPLE ARE NICE!!! hahaha)
so me, tabitha, allison, sally and anna were like OUI OUI....MERCI

classic shoes, a must have picture....yeah we're definatly not from america
love and hugs and kisses to everyone!
After several attempts I will try try again. I loved the pics and notes on your beginning days in Reims. the crepe looks delicious and the pics are great. the catheral sounded beautiful. Would love to see some pics. It was wonderful talking to you yesterday. Love you! Dad
ahahaha! the "we cook our own food" diet is the way to go! i know i lost weight. glad to hear yall are having fun! have some "bonne temps" for me!
awww carol!!! it looks like you are having SO much Fun! stinks about the classes though- bio is no good lol but yum french crepes, makes me hungrey just thinking about them!!!!
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