(inside the basillica in lyon, france)
hello all of my loves, hope you are all doing well: here's an update from across the big BLUE!
SOOOO we took a trip to Lyon this weekend which was AWESOME and a real experince haha
we took the train from Reims to Paris THEN had to go through the Paris metro to the other train station to catch the train to Lyon......we did this with our packs....so there was like a huge line of 14 kids running through the metro with these AWESOMELY HUGE PACKBACKS ON! i bet we looked pretty sweet! hahaha
so to tell you about the weekend i am going to use simple and amazing phrases from this weekend....a bit of a poem really.....here goes:
trains, fast, homework....yeah right, tabby got sick....not fun, french infomericials are the best, the paris metro is crazy nasty yet sorta fun, small showers, and small hotel rooms, biology at night--blah, french coffee yes please, lyon has alot of hills, the bascillica in lyon is AWESOME....alas no pictures inside....well ones with flashes anyways, jumping pictures are FUN...but can hurt your back OUCH!, hearing madame sing opera in a old roman ampatheahre=awesome, having your friends sing and dance so much that other people take a video of it=priceless, singing "eldewiess" from the sound of music (again in the ampatheathre) with asaian tourist snapping photos....again amazing.
ferras wheels....fun...but high, scary workers hitting on you in french...so you pretend to speak spainish.....hahaha, sandwiches, paying to use the bathroom...or cheating the systerm---anners, being tired and grumpy, asking for directions--way more than once, finding the opera house FINALLY then staying only a second to do what--watch break dancers and talk to french teenagers, starbucks! yes please....long lines....ummm no.
french church members awesome, staying in a french home with sally, anners and marissa UMMM NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE, dinner amazing...and large...unexpected, speaking only in french....wow i feel dumb, chocolate is a MUST when we go to switerzland, french comercials are really weird, trying to go to sleep ahahaha yeah right, watching marissa climb up on a bunk bed--amazing, A TWO AND HALF HOUR LONG SERMON/LESSON ALL IN FRENCH---exhausting, lunch with the church members so humbling, they are wonderful, train=sleep and frustration stupid packs are so big, paris metro WOW THAT WAS FAST, train to reims, HOME amen
sally+carol+little sleep=the best conversations EVER!
hahaha hopefully you got some of that....atleast you got the feeling of how crazy and fun packed our weekend was! hahahaha now for a few choice pictures to mirror the weekend.
waiting to get on our FIRST TRAIN...with our good ole packs!!!

on the train from reims to PARIS....with a man ready with his ticket lurking behind us hahaha

the good ole group in front of st. john's cathedral in lyon
LOVE the big red doors!

we stopped to look at the view on our way up the hill!!!! we are SO CUTE hahaha

still walking up the HUGE HILL to see lyon from an AWESOME point in the city.....and me and allie are "pulling" tabby up the hill hahaha sorta

this is lyon from the top of the HUGE hill by the basillica....really smoggy....third largest city in FRANCE

good ole jumping pic at the basillica!!! whoo hoo go me, anns and sally!

the roman ampatheathre where we sang!!!! and madame sung opera for us!

about to get on the ferras wheel....this is about when those worker guys started talking to us....hahaha

the ferras wheel!!! whoo hoo fun times fun times

freaking OUT on the ferras wheel...notice my strong grip....and marissa and allison are doing JUST FINE! hahaha


the "six of us" just a hanging out in lyon...this is a bridge over the rhone river....pretty sure

laughing at everything at our host families house!!!!! we are so crazy!

our "family" in lyon......issac and his wife mirland!!! they were AMAZING....and he preached the sermon that morning! (i'm sure it was awesome....only got about 1/3 of what he said!) hahaha

walking in the metro somewhere (aren't we SO CUTE)....ready to be home....our home away from home atleast!!!!
hope you enjoyed!!!
love, kisses and prayers
caroline <><