it is SO VERY CLOSE to our departure...i am freaking out a bit, but so are my parents so it's ok
it is just beginning to hit me how far away i'm going and for how long i'll be gone; it is just scary and a new experience and so much can happen...but then again that is the awesome part; God is going to grow me so much and teach all of our group so many things. I am ready to learn and absorb what God has for me, but i'm still a big scared...haha don't like flying too much and hey who likes change? hahaha
but it is going to be amazing and i won't forget anything...hopefully and it's going to be an adventure of a lifetime.
about a day to go.....let's start the count down.
We are so proud of you and excited for you. Our thoughts and prayers go with you. We believe in you. Bon voyage. Te amour. Papa
I have left several comments, but am uncertain whether they have taken. I hope your flight went well over the great pond. I'm sure you got little rest on the plane, but your churning on adreneline for now. I love you and we'll be in touch. Skype us when you can!
Dear Caroline,
I'm blessed to see and read about your adventures! Keep on, keeping on, as the saying goes. So glad you have this opportunity. It sounds like you are cherishing the differences, listening to the things God is teaching in the process and keeping a sense of humor! Have fun and much love, Aunt Debbie
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